Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Get yo' "Crayon" (Ha-ha, get it? Cray-on?) (CRR)

 As a kid, reading picture books was the "bomb-diggity". I read books from Caillou, to Where the Wild Things Are, but my favorite out of all was Harold and the Purple Crayon.  That book had a very special place in my heart. First of all, purple was my favorite color, and who wouldn’t want to read a book about a little boy creating his own world with just a simple crayon? I loved the book so much; I thought I could make my own world with a crayon… By drawing on the walls. (lol) I was alone a lot when I was little, and it looked like Harold was too, so I learned that it was okay to be alone, as long as you have a huge imagination.

Harold and The Purple Crayon taught me things like; how to use my imagination. Every night I would go to sleep and create my own world in my dreams, but with a blue crayon! There would be everything I ever wanted. It was my own perfect world. It also taught me that it’s alright to be alone. I actually prefer being alone nowadays, and just like Harold, I draw.

My mother would read to me a lot, but because of her heavy Tagalog accent, I wasn’t too fond of getting read aloud too. I love reading alone, and I did that most of the time. Even though there were pictures, it gave me a chance to visualize and make a little movie in my mind. When teachers read to the whole class I would always fall asleep and would rather be reading by myself! My family has had the huge misconception that I’m allergic to books or something. They are so wrong. I was quite the book worm, and still am. In conclusion, I obviously still read picture books. I get that huge breeze of a nostalgic feeling and I just love them.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

                                 Testing! Testing! 1, 2 ,3!~ ^^